Thursday, March 20, 2008

Yesterday 3.19.08

On Mine
Behold my Bilfus! Bill wasn't feeling well, so he called in sick to work. THIS NEVER HAPPENS. Bill is the kinda guy who would go to work even if his legs just got chopped off. I'm a very light sleeper, so I always wake up when Bill gets ready to go to work. This picture really captured that first 20 minutes of every day, the fuzzy sleepy warmness that we both start our days with.
On Her's
I love how alive this photo is. Raeven has an amazing smile. Hamilton's is a really fun bar, and I have some really nice memories associated with it. I'm finding that more and more of em's pics are doing that for me. I look at this picture, as well as many others I've chosen, and I feel like I'm there. In a wierd way, I feel like I'm living a pseudolife with em, and she is with me, just by the constant updating of this blog.
On Mine
Charles' best friend Raeven is going on vacation and then moving to Vegas, so we have been trying to see her more than usual. Both her and Charles are bad at making plans, but she has been down in San Diego (she lives about a half an hour a way) hanging out with a friend of hers, so they decided to meet us at the bar down the street. THEY SERVE FOOD NOW! It's not bad bar food. Anyway, Charles and Rae were at one point sharing some secret best friend thing and I snapped this pic. I loved that it shows that Charles really makes Raeven laugh and that they are super close. They are a funny pairing and I definitely enjoy getting my drink on with the two of them.
On Her's

Oh man. This was a really hard choice as far as the three pictures that Kore took. I loved two of them so much (the other was a picture of just Bill) that I had to just go with my gut instinct. Kore looks so soft in this picture, if you knew her like I did you would know that as much as she can be a hard edged, NYC, firecrackin, bad ass girl, there is also a really genuinely sweet vulnerable side. This picture shows that side to me, it's a snapshot into a more intimate moment of her life. The black and white and soft lighting highlights this horribly adorable moment.


charles said...

It was only a fart joke.

Green Light said...

That's not what I heard...

Anonymous said...

This makes me sad... 1000 miles away from one wondertwin, 3000 from the other. These ar the people I call friends. I don't know how much longer I can survive like this. I won't let this build up inside of me.

Desiree said...

I love that picture of Raeven. She looks angelic and sweet. (we all know she's not) ;)

Green Light said...

Oh yea, I don't think their convo was so angelic either ha ha. It's Rae and Chaz, that can't be angelic!