Saturday, April 19, 2008


Due to life in general, we are taking a brief hiatus.
We will return on the 21st of April.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Yesterday 4.10.08

On Mine
On Her's
On Mine

This picture is actually, what I would consider a tried and true portrait of Charles. He is quite social Liberal, a vegetarian, pro-choice, supporter of the separation of church and state etc. But there is a distinct hatred of people and the state of this world that blasts through his personality like an atom bomb. The idea of the world blowing up around him, while he sits peacefully, eyes closed almost smiling, is not a far throw from reality.
On Her's

I would imagine that one was his and the other hers, that somehow a love story was being written between two baskets of laundry in this laundry-mart. They will be separated, whites, colors, then mixed, then folded to never see each other again. But for now, they are close and awaiting their cleansing. The colors are great as well.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Self Portrait

On mine
On her's
On mine

I took this picture by setting up Charles' projector in the office and walking toward the camera while my camera was set on timer. I wanted to illustrate my longing to be in New York through a photograph. My struggle with my living situation can be directly attributed to how much I moved when I was a young child. I have never fully felt like I was a resident, living out of boxes, suitcases and always making and loosing friends. The only place I feel truly at home was in New York or in New York City. The only problem is, that I a still, in my own mind, there. I have not been able to completely remove myself from what I still consider my true home, and place myself fully, in San Diego. And in truth? I don't really want to.
On her's

I had chosen a similar picture to this one for a "Yesterday post". I think that Karina's affinity with water shows through in this picture. Maybe it's the Pices in her, or maybe it's just that she enjoys a good bath, but she looks comfortable, relaxed and strangely youthful in this photo. I love the contrast between that which is under the water and her not yet submerged face. Like part of her is hidden somewhere below the surface, we all conceal something. I await her description so I can learn further as to what this portrait portrays to her, of her.

Yesterday 4.8.08

On Mine
Andrew came home from his month and change in India. He went out to visit his now ex-girlfriend who is at school in Bangalore. He regaled us with tales of ear infection scams, possible typhoid, and bank robbery. The Kali statue that is sitting on his lap is the gift he brought home for me. I'm definitely thrilled that Andrew is back. Woot to the return of a close compatriot!
On Her's
I really like the texture in this shot. The grain of the black and white implies this creepy aged feeling that is fantastic. I think it's really funny that I immediately knew exactly where this in em's mama casa.
On Mine

I suppose my last few pictures have been a little lazy. I took this picture bored at my mothers house. She has a bunch of antiques there from when we shipped my Grandmother out from NY. The empty chairs and the unused room where all of these things reside remind me that she is gone. My Grandmother was the matriarch of our small family, and although I had quite the troubled relationship for most of my life, toward the end of hers we mended many of those hurts. The darkness of this picture also lends to a nostalgic feeling that pairs well with the empty chair.
On Her's

I love Andrew's smile in this picture. Like usual, Karina gets some amazing candid shots of people. Andrew's goofy kind personality rings true in this photograph. At first glance, it looked like he was knitting in this picture, causing me to take a second look and clarify that he was, from my now studied perception, rolling a cigarette.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Yesterday 4.7.08

On Mine
On Monday I went to my Dad's house in Queens. I've been cleaning out my old room so my Dad can turn it into a guest room. Since we were all going to be together (my Dad, my sister, and me,) my Dad invited my Mother over to have a family discussion about tuition. My sister and I are both starting new schools in the fall; Miriam is going into her freshman year of college, and I am transferring. Seeing my parents in the same room together is always strange for me, though they have certainly gotten better about it. It used to be that putting them in the same space for an excess of 10 minutes would almost guarantee a fight(example: my H.S. graduation.) This discussion could've turned into a major trainwreck, but thankfully it didn't. I dont know if time truly heals all wounds, but at least the big gorey ones are bandaid secured.
On Her's
Doesn't Mojo look so regal in this photo? If this were a painting it could easily hang in London's National Gallery or in the Uffizi. Wonderful as Mojo is and seems, the thing that makes this photo for me is the flower peeking in through the frame. It's also fantastic that Mojo is looking directly at it, as if to see who his competition is for adoration in this photo.
On Mine
I don't have too much to say about this picture as it was a snap shot of the pup. I love the yellow flower in the corner, and I agree with Karina that this could be quite the painting. Perhaps Mojo could find a new career as a dog model for art students! Most adorable dog ever!
On Her's
Karina's parents have always seemed like a mystery to me, until her mother became my dentist. They have quite the interesting family dichotomy, and I believe that one part of that is illustrated quite well in this picture. I love the circular composition of this picture, and you can tell that at least a few family members are photographers as they are seemingly unaffected by the person standing over them snapping this shot. What's great about that is that it lends to a real honesty in this candid photo.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Yesterday 4.6.08


On Mine
Yay bathtime! I've been trying to improve my self poratraiture skills lately, in conjunction with the upcoming Self-Portrait theme. This shoot resulted in almost 100 fabulous photos of yours truly. I decided to draw the line between those photos which I felt represented some aspect of myself (thus making them true self portraits,) and those which were just simply well taken photos of me. The self portraits are saved for the theme, and this was em's choice of the best of my "pretty me" photos.
On Her's
This photo looks like something straight out of Gourmet magazine, or any other prestigious foodie publication. Everytime I look at this photo, It makes me hungry. On a purely visceral level, I adore the arc created by the placement of the food. It leads the eye to more and more delicious delights! ok now I really need to eat something...
On Mine
Well. Charles and I both love to cook, and my mother loves when we cook for her. We spent a lot of the day watching Food Network and later Charles mentioned that he really wanted to eat polenta for dinner. We ran out to the store after agreeing that I would cook and grabbed pre-made polenta and honey for the two parts of the recipe I needed. (If you would like to give it a shot go here!) I was very proud of the taste tangy, sweet and savory! Good texture to me as well. The spinach was crispy as it only wilts a bit from the heat, the goat cheese was creamy and the polenta was, well, polenta-y! On top of all of that it LOOKED good! I thought it was so colorful and vibrant that I snapped a picture!
On Her's
I am not really sure if words can describe how much I love this picture. Karina looks straight out of some fantasy novel, ethereal and nymph like. She could be gliding through the water or floating past the photographer suspended in the air (of course we all know she is the photographer lol). Tendrils of hair purposely kiss her lightly pursed lips. Very evocative. You can't see her eyes which gives this photograph the feeling that this window contains only a brief glimpse into a singular moment of the subject. I don't think I can go on any more about this one, I could just simply dote on this picture for a few more paragraphs, but I am sure that my adoration would get sickening. So yes, big fan of this portrait of Karina.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Yesterday 4.5.08


On Mine
Bill and I met Luis and Travis for a drink at Lucky's. It was good times, though Bill and I weren't there for very long. After almost two years of living in Park Slope, I think its safe to say that Lucky 13's is my local watering hole. A 711 opened just down the street recently, which leads me to believe that they opened it solely to assist in regaining sobriety post-Lucky's. I cannot wait to bring em and Chaz there when they visit. In fact, I think about that every time I go.
On Her's
The road to Julian is so gorgeous! This photo looks like a film still from an old western. The gnarled branches and the cross, against the mountainous California sprawl give off this feeling of endless barren that I adore. I keep expecting John Wayne to swagger through the frame.
On Mine

Charles and I took a drive up to Julian in East County, a popular tourist destination. I am not sure why the actual town is a tourist trap, there are no historical places to visit, no museums no nothing! Just pies and shops for old ladys who like cats and hippy clothing. However, the surrounding scenery is absoloutly stunning. On the way there, we drove up he 78, detoured through orange farm country because the road was closed. We actually found A CAMEL FARM! Once we arrived we decided to drive out a different way, the same way that Karina, Bill and myself drove the first time I went up there. The drive down is far more beautiful. The rolling hills home rows of burnt oak and regrowing shrubs. We stopped at a vantage point (vista points they are called here) and found a row of crosses looking out on a mural of purple and green flowing hills as far as the horizon gave up. The clawed branches reaching toward the cross and out toward the sky were doleful and wanting, inspiring me to take this photograph. I don't know why the crosses were there, but those along with the recent wreckage that the Southern California wild fires caused, I felt that this picture was quite symbolic of the mood in the surrounding areas of Julian.
On Hers
I love Lucky's. Every time I see a picture of that bar I can almost feel myself standing outside with Karina and Bill smoking a cigarette, drinks left abandoned at one of the small tables in the dimly lit establishment. There is something so endearing about neon nights, basement grate doors and little sandwich boards outside of a bar for me. It's so New York that it hurts my brain. Bill is standing smoking a cigarette, I can only assume first two fingers pressed on the top of his smoke and thumb pinching the butt together. Everyone has unique ways of smoking a cigarette, but Bill has always had a very distinct habit. This is totally a photo of "your local bar, your local hang out, where everybody knows your name."

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Yesterday 4.4.08

On mine
Bill and I spent Friday at his parents' house in Westchester. When we stay there, we sleep in what used to be Bill's room. His parents turned it into a guest room when Bill moved in with me. They changed the furniture, repainted, and basically removed any evidence that Bill ever lived there, save for the old speakers that are now used as bed tables. The new bed is on wheels, and I'm told that whenever Bill sleeps there he has to be extra careful to not knock things off of the bedposts. Apparently, the giraffe statue constantly falls on his head. Knowing this, I thought it was hilarious to find the giraffe nestled so comfortably on the pillow. Maybe the giraffe just wants some shuteye of his own.
On her's
This monkey is so statuesque. I really like how she's peacefully smiling. The angles in this photo are amazing. Looking at this photo, I can totally see the ape-human link. It may be simple projection, but to me she seems to be in a deep contemplation. I'm also a big fan of the contrast between the rich brown/black of the monkey against the dry beige of the rocks.
On mine
Charles and I headed off to the Wild Animal Park in North County. Having a membership to the zoo's in San Diego has been something that has not been taken for granted in my relationship with my mother or Charles. My mom and I will go to the zoo or the park and walk for a few hours, stopping by our favorite exhibits, Charles and I will have mini dates. One of my favorite memories from Karina's first visit to San Diego was going to the zoo with her and drinking Margaritas. So I would say that the zoo is a very important place to me when it comes to my life in San Diego. I am more familiar with the Zoo because of this, so going to the Wild Animal park is always a bit of an adventure. We arrived relatively late in the day so we missed the bus that shuttles you around the park, and instead opted to wander around aimlessly. There are a few more pictures of my park day here if you are at all interested! Charles and I really like the gorillas and they happened to be scaling the rocks in the front of their enclosure. I snapped this pic of one of the females after realizing that magically my digital zoom had begun working again!
On her's
I suppose that subconsciously I chose this picture because it evoked images of a resort in Africa, netted beds and landscapes of dusty savanna plains. This picture is comforting and warm. Everything about this picture is soft, the lighting and the colors. I can just imagine taking a mid day nap in this scene.

Yesterday 4.3.08

On Mine
Luis again! This time with many faces. I love the hallucinogenic blur, and the distict stages of movement in his face and arms. Its as if I caught a second, between animated explanations, wherein Luis' soul attempted to jump ship and evaporate into collective conciousness. Good thing it didnt succeed. I'd be sad without my bunkie Cyclona.
On Her's
Truly, I cannot resist a piggie face. That said, I did not choose this photo because it features a porcine companion. I love the sharpness of his snout. How you can see each and every whisker of his mustache. I also really like how the black pig is juxtaposed against the white, grey, and parched yellow of his cage. I so desperatly want to reach into this photo and feed this guy some oats, probably a sign that I need to stop staring at his face.
On Mine
Charles and I drove my mother up to her friend's house in Orange county so that she could go to Yosemite. The boy and I decided that since San Juan Capistrano was right down the street we would go to the Mission there and investigate, you know do some touristy stuff. So we hung out at the mission and museum and took pictures. We walked around the local streets and visited the antique shops. Grabbing a map we decided to go to the O'Neill Museum (Charles' last name) and check out the history. Interesting, but not as Irish as we had suspected we walked along the side streets some more and found a petting zoo with bunnies, alpaca, emus, cows, chickens and most importantly pigs. We did not go in but we did get to see some of the animals. This pig was quite friendly and incredibly adorable! To see the rest of the pictures go here.
On Her's
I love the motion in this picture, how animated Luis looks. The colors, like usual are just amazing. The last time I was at Karina's house I was in shock at the bright green of the walls. Well, it was the first time I was there, so second to last time. But anyway I am truly confusing the issue. So Karina's pictures are just perfect, especially her candid portraits. I know that I recently chose another picture of Luis as her picture for the day, but well, he is just so all over the place, so dramatic and not to reiterate, but animated, that his pictures tend to be quite captivating.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Yesterday 4.2.08

On Mine
So this is what people see when they walk into the Rhonda Schaller Studio on a Wednesday afternoon. I'm setting up a database for their ArtLink network. I spent most of my day entering the information in that binder to my left into it. When I'm at work, I drink tea all day. Rhonda is a fellow tea enthusiast which just makes me like her more. Self-portraiture isn't my forte, but I'm definitely trying to improve. I'm also really partial to portraits where part of the face is out of the frame...
On Her's
...So is anyone surprised that I chose this photo? I love it. Maybe this is just nitpicking, but given all the photos I've taken of em I really adore the way she holds a glass. Every photo I can think of where she does this, she emits this elegance that hits you in the face. Em's elegance hits hard. Ouchie.
On Mine
Whoa. So apparently the wondertwin brain power is syncing up again. Apparently we just have this ability to take very similar pictures or pictures with very similar themes. Anyway, I took this picture while Charles and I were sitting outside my mother's house. I have always been comfortable hanging out on my mom's porch in the sunlight with a glass of wine and a book, only this time Charles had the book and I had the wine.
On Her's
Ah, once again the studio Karina works in serves for a wonderful backdrop for pictures that she takes. I love the large amount of white blank space going on in this picture, and I can't help finding it amusing that Karina, me and Charles are all facing the same direction. Spooky!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Yesterday 4.1.08

On Mine
Luis and I went to our friend Tamarra's opening. It was a beautiful day. We were waiting for the F train just as the sun was beginning to set. When this happens in NYC on such a clear day, everything gets covered in a gold glaze. It's similar to what happens when the sun is just about to come up, though in that case everything looks silvery (my favourite.) As I took this photo, Luis was singing along to the M.I.A. CD I made him. As a result, his hands are my favourite part of this photo.
On Her's
This photo is so creepy! The headless figure reminds me of a ghost from ages passed. I love how crisp everything is. There is an overwhelming feeling of age in this photo, like a crumbling piece of ancient paper. This photo begs the question, "Who does that hat belong to?" Maybe I don't want to know...
On Mine
Charles and I spent a few hours walking around Old Town which is about ten minutes away from our apartment. There were a ton of opportunity's to take pictures. Old Town is a vibrant tourist trap so there were a lot of displays on the porches of the Old Western store fronts and window settings in the more modern shops. I liked this particular display because well, I am a huge fan of fancy hats and nice gloves and I love the lace on the shawl of the mannequin.
On Her's

As I have mentioned before I am a huge fan of Kore's portraits. Candide portraits to be more specific. Luis looks like he is waiting patiently for the train, but at the same time you can see the impatience in his hands tapping on his knees. The light is also beautiful in this shot accentuating Luis skin tone and casting amazing shadows all over this photo.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008



On Mine
I took this photo out of a window in the Aperture Gallery's limited edition prints room. The light was coming in so perfectly I had to snap it up. Architecture for me is all about math and angles. This photo depicts the three stages of Architecture from foreground to backround. The window frame creates a grid, the basis of all blueprints. In front of the window are the bricks which get built into buildings. The skyline in the background is like the culmination of both these efforts. I really love this photo. The dry yellow in contrast with the vibrant blue give off a very summery feel. Maybe I'm just wishing for the warm a little too hard.
On Her's
In keeping with my statement about angles and architecture, is it really surprising that I chose this photo? The lines are so dynamic and strong. The colors back up this strength with great voracity.
On Mine

This is a picture of the Horton Grand Hotel, a Victorian style building nestled in the heart of the Gaslamp district in downtown San Diego. I only option I really had for a good shot of it was a straight up shot of the front face of the structure. I was attracted to the colors of the building and intricacy's of the white metal patio gates. The building a mix of two different older hotels and has an interesting history which you can read about here.
On Her's

The diaphanous blinds give you a brief glimpse of the Manhattan skyline, which holds some of the most amazing architecture in the country. The window, itself, is also part of the architecture in the inside of this apartment. The muted colors and distorted view of the city are almost uncomfortable and once again seem to show Kore's distaste with the messy state of New York living, and was also part of why I chose this picture.

Yesterday 3.30.08


On Mine
I've been making tea muffins alot recently, but switching up the kind of tea I use to change the flavor. For this batch, I used Celestial Seasonings' Sugar Plum Spice tea and let me tell you, these muffins were amazing. Its really great, because I have way too much tea that I'm not a fan of drinking but taste fantastic in a muffin. I think the next batch I make will go back to the original Earl Gray recipie, but I'm going to halve the white chocolate and replace it with dried cranberries. Delicious!
On Her's
This photo is so sweet it kind of makes me want to purge the contents of my stomach. Now that I'm thinking about it, Mojo and Mama de em share lots of positive qualities. They're both fun, kind, loyal, caring, and goofballs. I remember when em was still in NYC, how badly she wanted Mojo to have a place where he could run free and play whenever he wanted. Its so wonderful that now he has that.
On Mine

My mother decided a long time ago that she was adopting my dog Mojo. He occasionally spends the night at her house and is very sad when he comes back to my house. It's not me or Charles, but the fact that she spoils him rotten and he has a huge backyard to run around in. You can tell how much she loves him in this photo. She is cradling him in her arms like a baby and giving him kisses. I was on the opposite end of the dog, the ass end, as this is what normally happens when he gets up on the couch. I also really like this picture of my mom because as the first picture of her in this blog, I feel that it shows her warmth and goofiness at the same time.
On Her's

I was not totally sure what this was when I first saw this picture. I really liked the brown/white/black contrast of the picture, and the texture of the mystery white powder. I finally figured out that this was flour etc, probably a muffin mix.