Thursday, March 13, 2008

Yesterday: 3.12.08

On Mine
I took this photo at the Rhonda Schaller Studio, where I work every Wednesday. The art on the walls is done by Rhonda herself, a supreme fabulist. Some of the work on the walls was done in the actual gallery, which I think is awesome. Its also really nice to come to work and be surrounded by paints and works in progress while I'm sipping tea and processing applications.
On Her's
Oh yes, we love the Charles. Quite the dapper gent that one. We also love the Chazwell's cuisine. So much so that we hope to start a catering company together. We should probably take our meds now. DAMN YOU AND YOUR GYPSY MAGICS, CHESTER!!!
On Mine
Charles cooked dinner for me and my mother. The BEST mac and cheese that anyone could ever make. Gouda mac and cheese! It's awesome dating someone who is as good a cook as he is, and interesting because I am gluten intolerant and he is a vegetarian! We took a bunch of pictures of him cooking so that he could maybe post the directions to make the dish on his blog, but has still not gotten around to it. I chose this as one of my pictures because I enjoy his cooking and we always have a good time hanging out at my mom's house (although I think her and I got into a bit of a fight that night.)
On Her's
I love the chair in this picture. I chose this one because I thought that one of the more important things that have happened recently was that Kore got an internship at a gallery. I love the natural light coming in through the window and running across the back walls paintings.


charles said...

Hey! look its me... chopping stuff. Hot damn, I'm gonna be famous!

Green Light said...

Your already famous. For being my favorite drunk. This makes you famous.