Sunday, March 16, 2008

Yesterday 3.14.08

On Mine
I found the recipe for these muffins while stumbling and I had to make them. They were so so so delicious! I've been baking alot recently. I figure, if I'm gonna start a catering company, I need to be able to bake at least as well as I can cook. Anyway, the point is: tea muffins are fantastic. I set up this picture so that it would look similar to a photo em once took of her cats in my bathtub. I also just really wanted at those muffins.
On Her's
I love how strong em's arms are in this picture. Women in art are so frequently depicted with flimsy weightless arms dangling somewhere stupid. She has this incredible intensity in her eyes, which directly address the viewer. Its so graphically emotional its almost intimidating.
On Mine
Charles and I had been fighting a little recently and this is most assuredly a picture of him and I making up. I really love that the picture was taken in the bathroom and you can see the day of the dead pictures on the back wall.
On Her's
I... just adore this picture. I barely had to think about which picture I wanted to use for this diptych. I also really want to eat these muffins. Kore is quite the good chef, so I liked that there were some pictures of her cooking something.


eatme_delicious said...

Awesome photo with the muffins. :) Glad you liked them!

Green Light said...

Dude. I SO wanted to eat those muffins. Maybe I can try and make them with a gluten free recepie!