Wednesday, March 12, 2008


On Mine
The subway is a weird place. It exists as a time depository - everyone is on their way somewhere, and is essentially waiting (in public) to get there. A packed subway car is one of the few places where you can be surrounded by people in close quarters and feel completely alone. Some listen to music and spend their trip playing in space. Others read, play video games, or draft emails about how crazy last night was on their smart phones. For those with nothing to distract them, its the no-eye-contact game: the one where everyone tries to stare without actually interacting with anyone in their gaze. When the train is close to empty, the silence is literally loud. It's a lot like purgatory.
I have a love/hate relationship with the NYC subway. It is for sure the most expansive and accessible subway system I have ever encountered. I know its cliche, but it really is the veins that pump the blood of the city. I can't think of any other place where I can pay two bucks at 4 in the morning and go pretty much anywhere I want. Theres a certain freedom that comes with riding the train. But I hate the MTA. And the idea of everyone keeping to themselves and judging people silently is kind of devastating. I chose this picture as my Where because my feelings about the subway mimic my feelings about New York as a whole. I love living here because of the constant awareness of life and the opportunity to pursue basically whatever I please. I hate living here because living in NYC makes you feel how insignificant we all truly are. Em's mom told me once that sometimes its better to be the big fish in the little pond than the little fish in the ocean. I'm definitely growing tired of living in this ocean, but pond living isn't for me...maybe a sea?

On Her's
I thought this photo was really representative of architecture in San Diego. Some of it is really polished looking, some of it is old and fading in that awesome way that Spanish architecture does. The bright white of the building in the foreground with the balconies in the background implies warmth; oh what fun to be sunbathing in sunny San Diego! Also, the purple shadow looks like you're looking through those sunglasses that are rainbow-shiny on the front.

On Mine
I chose to take pictures of San Diego that not only illustrated the city I live in, but also highlight the connection or disconnection I have with this place. I feel that the picture that Kore chose for me is a perfect example of these things. The modern California architecture lends to it's youth and is juxtaposed with a mission style church. The apartment building towers over the smaller building that strains to maintain it's classic affiliation with San Diego. The picture is also bright and stark, not at all what I am used to in photography as well as life.
On Her's
One of the things I miss most about New York City is the ability to get wherever you need to go whenever you need to get there. I feel as though the subway is an integral part of any New Yorkers life, and this is why I chose it as her "where" photo. In New York, you can be anywhere at any time. I love the fact that the picture seems taken right below eye level, giving you a full perspective, a little skewed, of the subway.

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