Monday, March 17, 2008

Yesterday 3.16.08

On Mine
Ben and I came upon this scene while walking to the supermarket. Someone set up the crosses, scarf, and sign in the patch of green in front of their brownstone. It was too creepy to pass by. After I took this photo, Ben climbed into the green patch and had me take a photo of him brandishing his Jew-horns while mocking the gentiles.
On Her's
I love religious kitsch. I have many of these candles (or ones like it) myself. Being that I've gone to buy candles at the Food Bowl with em before, this photo struck a nostalgic cord. I also love the effect that the rows of bright colors give this picture. Any saint you want for $1 each? What deified icon is any different?
On Mine
So on a normal mundane day I visit The Food Bowl, a grocery store a little over a block from our apartment. When I first moved to South Park I refused to go there because it was not an extremely clean bright Ralph's or a cheap and gluten free possible Trader Joe's, but now, I have discovered the wonder that is this Mexican market. The produce is SO inexpensive and there are different specialty foods that Charles can get there to make really awesome Mexican food. Another photographer once took pictures of like, every single isle in a grocery store once and I thought they were quite interesting. All that was contained within the photos were rows of food stuffs or other grocery related items. So, I decided to take a picture of my favorite isle at Food Bowl, the religious candle section (which we also have a ton of in our bathroom as part of the Mexican kitsch theme.) I liked the expanse of them in the picture, one could imagine the selection of saints glued onto the brightly colored candles going on forever. Also, I totally got yelled at by store security whom I believe thought I was casing the joint.
On Her's
I find it strange when our pictures match up like this. This diptych is one of the stronger examples of our wonder twin brain fusion. Sensing that we would choose out of the six pictures for the day, the ones that were so close in theme, we made our choices without conferencing the other. I love the random crap you can find wandering around Brooklyn. The picture almost felt like a picture out of a newspaper that would head up some article on Christian wingnutts in New York, or at least something along those lines.


Green Light said...

I am impressed that we managed to both take pictures relating to zombie jesus. Go us.

skarletshadow said...

were documenting the pre-apocalypse. BEWARE THE RISING!!!

so yeah maybe i shouldnt be taking world war z quite so seriously. or should i?