Monday, April 7, 2008

Yesterday 4.6.08


On Mine
Yay bathtime! I've been trying to improve my self poratraiture skills lately, in conjunction with the upcoming Self-Portrait theme. This shoot resulted in almost 100 fabulous photos of yours truly. I decided to draw the line between those photos which I felt represented some aspect of myself (thus making them true self portraits,) and those which were just simply well taken photos of me. The self portraits are saved for the theme, and this was em's choice of the best of my "pretty me" photos.
On Her's
This photo looks like something straight out of Gourmet magazine, or any other prestigious foodie publication. Everytime I look at this photo, It makes me hungry. On a purely visceral level, I adore the arc created by the placement of the food. It leads the eye to more and more delicious delights! ok now I really need to eat something...
On Mine
Well. Charles and I both love to cook, and my mother loves when we cook for her. We spent a lot of the day watching Food Network and later Charles mentioned that he really wanted to eat polenta for dinner. We ran out to the store after agreeing that I would cook and grabbed pre-made polenta and honey for the two parts of the recipe I needed. (If you would like to give it a shot go here!) I was very proud of the taste tangy, sweet and savory! Good texture to me as well. The spinach was crispy as it only wilts a bit from the heat, the goat cheese was creamy and the polenta was, well, polenta-y! On top of all of that it LOOKED good! I thought it was so colorful and vibrant that I snapped a picture!
On Her's
I am not really sure if words can describe how much I love this picture. Karina looks straight out of some fantasy novel, ethereal and nymph like. She could be gliding through the water or floating past the photographer suspended in the air (of course we all know she is the photographer lol). Tendrils of hair purposely kiss her lightly pursed lips. Very evocative. You can't see her eyes which gives this photograph the feeling that this window contains only a brief glimpse into a singular moment of the subject. I don't think I can go on any more about this one, I could just simply dote on this picture for a few more paragraphs, but I am sure that my adoration would get sickening. So yes, big fan of this portrait of Karina.

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