Saturday, April 5, 2008

Yesterday 4.4.08

On mine
Bill and I spent Friday at his parents' house in Westchester. When we stay there, we sleep in what used to be Bill's room. His parents turned it into a guest room when Bill moved in with me. They changed the furniture, repainted, and basically removed any evidence that Bill ever lived there, save for the old speakers that are now used as bed tables. The new bed is on wheels, and I'm told that whenever Bill sleeps there he has to be extra careful to not knock things off of the bedposts. Apparently, the giraffe statue constantly falls on his head. Knowing this, I thought it was hilarious to find the giraffe nestled so comfortably on the pillow. Maybe the giraffe just wants some shuteye of his own.
On her's
This monkey is so statuesque. I really like how she's peacefully smiling. The angles in this photo are amazing. Looking at this photo, I can totally see the ape-human link. It may be simple projection, but to me she seems to be in a deep contemplation. I'm also a big fan of the contrast between the rich brown/black of the monkey against the dry beige of the rocks.
On mine
Charles and I headed off to the Wild Animal Park in North County. Having a membership to the zoo's in San Diego has been something that has not been taken for granted in my relationship with my mother or Charles. My mom and I will go to the zoo or the park and walk for a few hours, stopping by our favorite exhibits, Charles and I will have mini dates. One of my favorite memories from Karina's first visit to San Diego was going to the zoo with her and drinking Margaritas. So I would say that the zoo is a very important place to me when it comes to my life in San Diego. I am more familiar with the Zoo because of this, so going to the Wild Animal park is always a bit of an adventure. We arrived relatively late in the day so we missed the bus that shuttles you around the park, and instead opted to wander around aimlessly. There are a few more pictures of my park day here if you are at all interested! Charles and I really like the gorillas and they happened to be scaling the rocks in the front of their enclosure. I snapped this pic of one of the females after realizing that magically my digital zoom had begun working again!
On her's
I suppose that subconsciously I chose this picture because it evoked images of a resort in Africa, netted beds and landscapes of dusty savanna plains. This picture is comforting and warm. Everything about this picture is soft, the lighting and the colors. I can just imagine taking a mid day nap in this scene.

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