Saturday, April 12, 2008

Yesterday 4.10.08

On Mine
On Her's
On Mine

This picture is actually, what I would consider a tried and true portrait of Charles. He is quite social Liberal, a vegetarian, pro-choice, supporter of the separation of church and state etc. But there is a distinct hatred of people and the state of this world that blasts through his personality like an atom bomb. The idea of the world blowing up around him, while he sits peacefully, eyes closed almost smiling, is not a far throw from reality.
On Her's

I would imagine that one was his and the other hers, that somehow a love story was being written between two baskets of laundry in this laundry-mart. They will be separated, whites, colors, then mixed, then folded to never see each other again. But for now, they are close and awaiting their cleansing. The colors are great as well.

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