Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Yesterday 4.1.08

On Mine
Luis and I went to our friend Tamarra's opening. It was a beautiful day. We were waiting for the F train just as the sun was beginning to set. When this happens in NYC on such a clear day, everything gets covered in a gold glaze. It's similar to what happens when the sun is just about to come up, though in that case everything looks silvery (my favourite.) As I took this photo, Luis was singing along to the M.I.A. CD I made him. As a result, his hands are my favourite part of this photo.
On Her's
This photo is so creepy! The headless figure reminds me of a ghost from ages passed. I love how crisp everything is. There is an overwhelming feeling of age in this photo, like a crumbling piece of ancient paper. This photo begs the question, "Who does that hat belong to?" Maybe I don't want to know...
On Mine
Charles and I spent a few hours walking around Old Town which is about ten minutes away from our apartment. There were a ton of opportunity's to take pictures. Old Town is a vibrant tourist trap so there were a lot of displays on the porches of the Old Western store fronts and window settings in the more modern shops. I liked this particular display because well, I am a huge fan of fancy hats and nice gloves and I love the lace on the shawl of the mannequin.
On Her's

As I have mentioned before I am a huge fan of Kore's portraits. Candide portraits to be more specific. Luis looks like he is waiting patiently for the train, but at the same time you can see the impatience in his hands tapping on his knees. The light is also beautiful in this shot accentuating Luis skin tone and casting amazing shadows all over this photo.

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